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Fight Statistics

NLC1 - March 9th, 2019

Abbott vs Tennant img.JPG
Thompson vs Dingess img.JPG
Blankenship vs Workman img.JPG
Boggs vs Fisher img.JPG
Dunn vs McCoy img.JPG
Ratliff vs Milam img.JPG
Mitchell vs Adkins img.JPG
Blair vs Smith img.JPG
Devin vs Austin img.JPG
Thacker vs Pecora img.JPG
Alves vs Smith img.JPG
Carson vs Kraig img.JPG
Hawkins vs Looney.JPG
Spry vs Cline img.JPG
Estep vs Craddock.JPG
Bender vs White img.JPG
Adkins vs Stell img.JPG

NLC2 - June 15th, 2019

Bledsoe vs Stewart img.JPG
Ray vs DeLeon img.JPG
Boggs vs Mitchell img.JPG
Abbott vs Willyard.JPG
Rowh vs Maynard.JPG
Estep vs Craddock img.JPG
Marcum vs Willyard img.JPG
Baker vs Thompson img.JPG
Pontier vs Dotson.JPG
Dowd vs Smith img.JPG
Schultz vs Smith img.JPG
Jemerison vs Burgess img.JPG
Blankenship vs White img.JPG
Chapman vs Mauller img.JPG
Wiseman vs Bender img.JPG
Stafford vs Musick img.JPG

NLC3 - October 12th, 2019

Densel vs Sam img.JPG
Stell vs Rowh img.JPG
Duke vs Daylan img.JPG
Mikey vs Nic img.JPG
Dingess vs McGraw img.JPG
Amanda vs Destinee img.JPG
Eric vs Ryan img.JPG
Duke vs Adam img.JPG
Stanley vs Booth img.JPG
DeLeon vs Goff img.JPG
Runyon vs Honeycutt img.JPG
Hawkins vs Singh img.JPG
Faherty vs Williams img.JPG
Stafford vs Smith img.JPG
Blankenship vs Bryant img.JPG
Spaulding vs New img.JPG

NLC4 Bouts

NLC4 - Feb 8th, 2020

LeMaster vs Hensley img.JPG
Kevin vs Justin img.JPG
Devin vs Zack.JPG
Faherty vs Lago img.JPG
Stoney vs Bobby img.JPG
Chapman vs Stell img.JPG
Blackburn vs Ulbrich img.JPG
Daylan vs Josh img.JPG
Williams vs Blankenship img.JPG
Mauller vs DeHart.JPG
Spaulding vs Ralston.JPG
Workman vs Hall img.JPG

NLC5 - May 1st, 2021

8. McGrew vs Washington.JPG
10. Estep vs Perdue.JPG
3. Sammons vs DeHart.JPG
4. James vs Ray.JPG
5. Wilson vs Brannock.JPG
6. Watts vs Corns.JPG
9. New vs Mullins.JPG
12. Strohl vs Catterton.JPG
7. LeMaster vs Swafford.JPG
11. Marcum vs DeHart.JPG
1. Wood vs Watkins.JPG
2. Blackburn vs Marshall.JPG
15. Echelberger vs Watkins.JPG
14. Craddock vs Mauller.JPG
16. Davis vs Workman.JPG
18. Stafford vs Fisher.JPG
17. Miller vs Tyler.JPG
13. Vance vs Schultz.JPG
19. Furnier vs Walden.JPG
20. Richwine vs Garretson.JPG

NLC 6 - August 14th, 2021

3. Anderson vs Matthews snip.png
13. Ray vs Vaughn snip.png
11. Shuck vs McGrew snip.png
4. Johnson vs Martin snip.png
8. Rowh vs New snip.png
12. LeMaster vs Harris snip.png
1. Perdue vs Galyean snip.png
15. Craddock vs Messer snip.png
17. Stafford vs Conn snip.png
9. Mauller vs Caprini snip.png
14. Davis vs Perry snip.png
16. Miles vs Jones snip.png
18. Chapman vs Estep snip.png
5. Wherry vs Meade snip.png
7. James vs Brown snip.png
6. Mullins vs Blevins snip.png
10. Grillot vs Wood snip.png
2. Kinchen vs Conley snip.png

NLC 7 - Nov 6th, 2021

3. Brown vs Shuck snip.png
1. Raye vs Messer snip.png
7. McCallister vs Marshall snip.png
2. Gabb vs Magana.png
5. Hostetter vs Kinker snip.png
14. Hawkins vs Kinchen snip.png
15. Browning vs Conn snip.png
13. Dingess vs Davis snip.png
10. Jones vs Hanson snip.png
8. Cofield vs Craddock snip.png
9. Watts vs Feistl snip.png
12. Stanley vs Montgomery snip.png
4. Oden vs Adams snip.png
11. Estep vs Ray snip.png
6. Parsons vs Tichenor snip.png

NLCB 1 - January 29th, 2022

1. Thacker Matthews snip.png
2. Shuck vs Galyean snip.png
3. Hardman vs Mycek snip.png
4. Crist vs Jemerison snip.png
5. Johnson vs New snip.png
6. Bowling vs Dean snip.png
7. Mayernik vs Monn snip.png
8. Stanley vs Mauller snip.png
9. Chapman vs Stanton snip.png
10. Davis vs Oden snip.png
11. James vs Wood snip.png
12. Myers vs Browning snip.png
13. Richwine vs Novaria snip.png

NLC 8 - march 12th, 2022

1. Lago vs Toler snip.png
16. Mitchell vs Burns snip.png
4. Perry vs Schultz snip.png
11. Cooper vs Wilson snip.png
17. Davis vs Donovan snip.png
2. Noe vs Myers snip.png
12. Blackburn vs Kennedy snip.png
15. Johnson vs Mauller snip.png
6. Parrish vs Ward snip.png
7. Grillot vs Starcher snip.png
5. Green vs Reynolds snip.png
10. Vaughn vs Mott snip.png
13. Watts vs Honaker snip.png
8. Knight vs Cofield snip.png
18. Wilson vs Chapman snip.png

Baileysville Brawl: night 1 - april 1st, 2022

1. Johnson vs Thacker snip.png
4. Monn vs Schmoekel snip.png
7. Mayernik vs Helton snip.png
10. Kelly vs Thomas snip.png
14. Blankenship vs Dean snip.png
2. Mileto vs Payne snip.png
5. Key vs Dotson snip.png
8. Gerald vs Roberts snip.png
11. Estep vs Green snip.png
15. Toler vs Martin snip.png
3. Preece vs Vaughn snip.png
6. Goode vs Toler snip.png
9. Blankenship vs Carver snip.png
12. Ethan Blackburn vs Delano Reynolds.png
16. Fox vs Cook snip.png
17. Hensley vs Carroll snip.png

Baileysville Brawl: night 2 - april 2nd, 2022

1. Randolph vs Langston snip.jpg
2. Key vs Estep snip.jpg
3. Luckadoo vs Fry snip.jpg
4. Bailey vs Shuck snip.jpg
5. Ray vs Preece snip.jpg
7. Blankenship vs Toler snip.jpg
8. Kelly vs Fox snip.jpg
9. Mayernik vs Kelly snip.jpg
10. Randolph vs Mileto snip.jpg
11. Davis vs Bowling snip.jpg
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